perm filename CHARS.S[AM,DBL] blob sn#506749 filedate 1980-05-04 generic text, type C, neo UTF8
C00001 00001
C00005 00003	Foray into the Frost Giant Lair, by Elvor and Thorn.
C00009 00004	Foray into the Fire Giant Lair, by Elvor and Thorn.
C00013 00005	Foray into the Frost Giant Lair, by Elvor and Thorn and Aphlod.
C00022 ENDMK
  Cl7       Cl6       MU7      MU8        MU6        MU5       MU6       Ill5
------    ------    -----     -----	 -----	  ---------  ------    -------

CureLt    CureLt    Ventril   Ident 8x55 Charm	  FeathFall  Shield 3t Hypnotism
CureLt    Command   Uns.Serv  Comp.Lang  Light    Comp.Lang  Enlarge   Phantas
Command   Command   PFE 14r   PFE 16r    Shrink   Shrink     Danc.Lts  Phantas
Fear	  Fear      Friends   Tens.Disc  PFE 12r  Light      Charm     Phantas
PFE 21r   Curse

Silence   Silence   Strength  St.Cld	 St.Cld	  St.Cld     St.Cld    Hyp.Pttrn
Res.Fire  Res.Fire  MirrIm.14 ESP        Mirr.Im. Knock	     Knock     MirIm.15r
Res.Fire  Fd.Traps  Invis     Strength
Fd.Traps  Slw.Pois
Chant     Hld.Pers

Prayer    Prayer    Haste 10r Haste	 Invis10'  Invis10'  Invis10'  SpectralF
Prayer    Prayer    Tongues   Haste      Slow    	     Ltning 6
	  DspMagic  	      Ltning 8

PFE10' 7t	    PolySelf  Confusion
			      Poly Self

------    ------    -----     -----	 -----	  ---------  ------    -------

ADDITIONAL ITEMS (esp. those we usually forget; excludes swords, armor, etc.):

Aphlod: Wish Ring. Fireball Necklace. Gem of advancement. Rod of resurrection.
Thorn: Ring w/PolySelf8, PolySelf8, Confus8, Cloudkill13, SpectralF, Neut.Poison
       Wands: Fear 18, Cold 15.  AntiEvil shirkin. Gauntlets. GaseousFrm potion
Arwen: Scrolls (all 13th level): Jump5, MagicMissile7, FeatherFall. Gauntlets.
       Horn of Valhallah. 2 Gaseous Form, 1 FireResis potion. +2 Surprise ring.
Tiflar: Wand of wonder.
leSlick: Bracers of Defence 5.
Thuria: Cloud giant shield #1. Standard Storm Giant spells.
Brandon: Poly self potion.
Khadalrad: sword which speaks all giant languages.
Foray into the Frost Giant Lair, by Elvor and Thorn.
Object is to recover Elvor's sword, +1 plate; dejewel throne and misc. treasure.

  MU7      	 MU8     
------    	-----     

Uns.Serv.  	Friends   
Shrink 7t 	Tens. Disc
Tens.Disc 10t	Tens.Disc 11t 8,000gp
Shrink    	Shrink 40 cu. ft. 80% 8t

Knock     	LocateOb
St.Cld    	ESP       
Invis     	LocateOb 160' 8r

Haste 10r 	Haste	 
Tongues   	Invis 10' 

PolySelf  	WallOfFire
	  	Poly Self

ADDITIONAL ITEMS (esp. those we usually forget; excludes swords, armor, etc.):

Thorn: Ring w/PolySelf8, PolySelf8, Confus8, Cloudkill13, SpectralF, Neut.Poison
       Wands: Fear 18. +2 Surp.  AntiEvil shirkin. Gauntlets. GaseousFrm potion
Elvor: Fireball Necklace.

Prepr: clairvoy TP room, tunnel leading out of it, adjacent 2 rooms, throne room
	(throne still there!), chain deposit area, room north of final magic room.
	Carefully study cave center, in case we have to TP back here.
	STR on both (Thorn to 18), Prt. Cold, Invis, Haste, Prt. Norm. Missiles.

Will hole up -- or leave a clear msg in Elvish -- in tunnel to W.Dragon room
	(last valley before final drop into room);
	or (unexplored) tunnel leading
	away from transporter room (about 50' down that tunnel);
	or snow fort room (N. End);
	or Storm Giantess room (SE corner, near door);
	or TP destination of chain.
SO: Clairvoy/TP/search... to those locales (in order) to monitor our progress.

Schedule will be: 
2 hrs to reach entrance. Throw Poly Selfs.
1 hour to fly through first level, reach Dragon room.
30 min to sweep S. of dragon room, back and into secret door, 
	scan OgreMagi and Ogre rooms, Cloud and Storm giant rooms.
	4 hour check point: storm giantess room (just a msg if all is OK)
1 hr. sweep of 2nd level, recovering Elvor's armor and sword, other treasure.
Throw second round of Poly Selfs. 5 hour check: throne still there?
1 hr. to get to throne, shrink it, Tensor disc it (& if nec. Invis it)
	May be necessary to take out ledge guards; perhaps can avoid that.
SO: 5-7 hours after exit, should rematerialize at FG volcano; have 1 seeInvis Ftr,
	2 MUs w/4Shrink&2TensorsDisc waiting (invis) if we need help.
Foray into the Fire Giant Lair, by Elvor and Thorn.
Object is to scout out defenses, cells, king, dragon(s), treasure room, TP room.

  MU7      	 MU8     
------    	-----     

Uns.Serv.  	Friends   
Shrink          Charm
Tens.Disc 10t	Tens.Disc 11t 8,000gp
Ventril.  	Shrink 40 cu. ft. 80% 8t

Knock     	St. Cld
St.Cld    	ESP       
Invis     	Invis

Haste 10r 	Haste	 
Tongues   	Invis 10' 

PolySelf  	Confusion 
	  	Poly Self

ADDITIONAL ITEMS (esp. those we usually forget; excludes swords, armor, etc.):

Thorn: Ring w/PolySelf8, PolySelf8, Confus8, Cloudkill13, SpectralF, Neut.Poison
       Cold Wand. +2 Surp.  AntiEvil shirkin. Gauntlets. GaseousFrm potion
Elvor: Fear Wand

Prepr: clairvoy inside main entrance, any immed. side rooms.
	Carefully study cave center, in case we have to TP back here.
	STR on both (Thorn to 18), Res. Fire, Invis, Haste, Prt. Norm. Missiles.
	Bless, PFE (Aphlod's 21r), Silent arrow, Poly Self (thrown by them),Prayer
See if there is a reverse of Find Obj, Det Invis, etc., that prevents detection.
Will turn right at every opportunity. Will leave a MM pellet (never go off)
	at each secret door gone through, or each obvious right-hand door bypassed.
	If we find TP to Frost giants, and are hardpressed, will seek refuge in
	W. Dragon tunnel (last valley before final dropoff).

Schedule will be: 
Scout that door is clear. Det. magic on door, Find traps, Det. Evil across it.
Just out of sight of the entrance, throw most of the spells.  At extreme silence
range, throw it on the door.  Approach to about 20' of entrance, and
simult. throw Bless, Haste, Knock (or shrink) door, InvServ, and (finally) Silence 
an invisible arrow and charge invis serv with carrying it 25' ahead of us.
Cleric can throw prayer 60'rad and stay just outside doorway for n rounds.
Note that none of these should be thrown by those going inside (exc. Poly Self, 
and Invis servant).  Glyphs on front of T,E shields: Bald-faced lie, Bestow Curse

If we're not out in 5 hours, we're in trouble.  Use right-hand rule and
magic detection (of MMs) to locate us. I will drop MMs in order, so one
might try locate obj on them or (if we're close) on our magic items.
Assuming we DO make it out, have 1 seeInvis Ftr,
	2 MUs w/4Shrink&2TensorsDisc, 2 St Clds, Invis 10' waiting (invis) 
 	in prearranged spot about 50' away, in case we need help.
Foray into the Frost Giant Lair, by Elvor and Thorn and Aphlod.

  Cl7       Cl6       MU7      MU8        MU6        MU5       MU6       Ill5
------    ------    -----     -----	 -----	  ---------  ------    -------

Command 10'         Uns.Serv. Friends    Charm	  FeathFall  Shield 3t Hypnotism
Res.Cold7t          Shrink    Shrink     Light    Comp.Lang  Enlarge   Phantas
Det.Evl45r          Shrink    Tens.Disc  Shrink   Shrink     Danc.Lts  Phantas
Fear 7r	            Tens.Disc Tens.Disc  PFE 12r  Light      Charm     Phantas
PFE 21r         

Silence 120' 14r    Knock     Rope Trick St.Cld	  St.Cld     St.Cld    Hyp.Pttrn
Silence             St.Cld    ESP        Mirr.Im. Knock	     Knock     MirIm.15r
Slw.Pois 42t        Invis     LocateOb
Fd.Traps 3t       
Spk.Anim 30' 14r  

LocateOb 130' 7r    Haste 10r Haste	 Invis10'  Invis10'  Invis10'  SpectralF
DspMagic            Tongues   Invis 10'  Slow    	     Ltning 6

Neut.Pois.	    PolySelf  PolySelf

Aphlod: Wish Ring. Fireball Necklace. Gem of advancement. 
Thorn: Ring w/PolySelf8, PolySelf8, PolySelf8, Cloudkill13, SpectralF, Neut.Poison
	+2 Surp.  AntiEvil shirkin. Gauntlets. GaseousFrm potion
Elvor: Fear wand.

Prepr: clairvoy TP room, tunnel leading out of it, adjacent 2 rooms, throne room.
	chain deposit area, room north of final magic room.
	Carefully study cave center, in case we have to TP back here.
	STR on both (Thorn to 18), Prt. Cold, Invis, Haste, Prt. Norm. Missiles.

Will hole up -- or leave a clear msg in Elvish -- in tunnel to W.Dragon room
(last valley before final drop into room);
or (unexplored) tunnel leading
away from transporter room (about 50' down that tunnel);
or snow fort room (N. End);
or Storm Giantess room (SE corner, near door);
or TP destination of chain.
Clairvoy/TP/search... to those locales (in order) to monitor our progress.
Schedule will be: 
2 hrs to reach entrance. Throw Poly Selfs.
1 hour to fly through first level, reach Dragon room.
30 min to sweep S. of dragon room, back and into secret door, 
	scan OgreMagi and Ogre rooms, Cloud and Storm giant rooms.
	4 hour check point: storm giantess room (just a msg if all is OK)
1 hr. sweep of 2nd level, recovering Elvor's armor and sword, other treasure.
Throw second round of Poly Selfs. 5 hour check: throne still there?
1 hr. to get to throne, shrink it, Tensor disc it (& if nec. Invis it)
	May be necessary to take out ledge guards; perhaps can avoid that.
5-7 hours after exit, should rematerialize at FG volcano; have 1 Ftr, Cl,
	2 MUs w/4Shrink&2TensorsDisc waiting (invis) if we need help.

Clerics: Setting the various glyphs on portals, fabric, cards, shields.
	Create food and water. At end: putrefy some and wrap well.
	Contin. darkness pellets, arrows, etc.  Divination. Bundles of sticks.
	Maybe: take Augury.
leSlick: Halluc. terrains. Magic mouths.
MUs: enlarge arrows; fighters can then sharpen them into +1's (1/round)
	Magic mouths (incl. those for glyphs, pellets, arrows)
	Contin. lt. pellets, arrows, etc.  Identify. Clairvoy/aud.
	Use ESP, Xray binocs, wiz eye, clairvoy, etc. at door to FG lair.
	FIGURE OUT ALIGNMENTS ON COLD Sword, other items; divide loot.
All spellcasters: 2 hrs/day Fire Giant lessons from Khadalrad
		Pronouns; Questions-words; Directions (left, north, there..) Yes/No.
		Motion (walk, run, go, stay, come...); Treasure (gold; magical)
		Combat (guard, fight, surrrender, surround, attack, kill). Lie.
Fighters: spy on teleport station and fire giant doors.  Map. Dig (polyed)
	both escape tunnel from cave, and perhaps down into FG lair.
	Xorn (Fardel) scout safe path for tunnel to FG lair.

Foray back to Frost giant lair (treasure; Elvor armor and sword)
Foray into Fire Giant lair (mainly reconnaissance).
Capture one or two travellers betw. TP point and FG door, and ESP/charm.
After forays by us: if unsuccessful, change caves (may use torture, ESP on us).

Illusions that may be useful:  (try these out ahead of time for realism, # critters)
Wall of Ice (esp. if just on our side of a real one!)
Cone of Cold
White Dragon
Group of Ice Toads
Pack of winter wolves